Update The Moving touch

Grand Opening!!!

'The Moving Touch' hopes you are enjoying Summer time. 
We wish to welcome you to the new studio location, both peacefull and convenient, now on Hollywood Road, just minutes away from the escalators!

Check out the new prices, and give Anne a call to book you in!

New comer offer for 60' Shiatsu Treatment+ 30'  assessment, for only 700 HKD*.

A case history is taken at the first session in order to get an overview of the situation and assess where the person may have too much or too little energy. This includes questions regarding the complaint, past medical history, food, and anything else that may be significant, as well as questions about lifestyle and habits.
*Offer valid until 15/12/2011

To know: Anne will be out of town from the 28th of August to the 3rd of September/  and from the 9th to the 13th of September.
Contact her now and book your session ahead at your most suitable time!

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