
"My patient is my Master"
Here are some comments kindly provided by my patients. Giving is receiving, I am very grateful!

"Shiatsu is so complex and Anne's knowledge of the system commands respect. My sessions with her were relaxing, and the sense of openness that it created in my body lasted for days. I can only imagine what continued treatment would do for me, I just wish the pacific ocean didn't lie between us."
Jake D. USA
"Un peu dubitative sur cette méthode de massage que je ne connaissais pas il y a 2 ans, mais désespérée par une douleur constante dans l'épaule droite suite à une chute (ligaments et muscles détendus), je me décide à faire ma 1ère séance de Shiatsu avec Anne !
Durant 1h30, elle me pose ses doigts sur toutes les parties du corps, de l'acupression dans le jargon du monde du massage, et là, je sens ma douleur stockée dans mon épaule en sortir comme en suivant une ligne à l'intérieur de mon corps, d'abord le haut du dos puis elle descend le long de la colonne vertébrale et pff.... plus rien ! La douleur était partie comme par magie !
Elle m'informa que le lendemain je serais sûrement fatiguée car le shiatsu puise dans nos énergies ! Et c'était vrai, fatiguée mais tellement mieux ! Anne me conseilla tout de même de revenir 2 ou 3 fois, chose que j'ai faite, afin de résorber totalement cette douleur.
Tellement contente du résultat, j'ai cherché à en savoir plus sur cette technique de massage pour laquelle, aujourd'hui, je peux dire que je suis devenue adepte !
Je suis retournée plusieurs fois voir Anne pour d'autres troubles comme celui du sommeil, de la digestion, du stress ou de grande fatigue et à chaque fois, j'ai été totalement satisfaite du résultat !
Anne est une personne très professionnelle, passionnée par son métier, très à l'écoute de ses patients ! Elle ne fait pas seulement son massage, mais elle entretient une vraie relation avec la personne traitée et donne beaucoup de conseils concernant le problème pour lequel on va la voir, tels que des exercices physique et/ou de détente, d'hygiène alimentaire etc...
Pour conclure, je dirais que le Shiatsu est une réelle technique de massage qui n'est pas pour moi lié uniquement à de la détente comme on se représente un massage habituellement mais un réel plus dans sa vie qui évite de nombreuses visites chez des practiciens médicaux (qui finalement ne sont pas toujours les plus compétents concernant certains cas) pour de nombreux bobos de la vie de tous les jours..."
Aimee R. France
"I am Thai and was an expat in Seoul between 2006-2009. I often do Thai massage when ever I got pain or ache which is helpful and relieving. I first tried Shiatsu in Seoul with Anne Cousin. It was different from Thai massage I used to. It did not only relieve pain but it was very relaxing to the body & mind. Her touch is very soft but the feeling was very deep in my body. Since then I received Shiatsu from her even during my pregnancy to relax my whole body and I could get enough sleep after. She has been to France and USA practicing higher level for Shiatsu and settled in Hong Kong. I strongly believe that her Shiatsu must be excellent and when ever I visit Hong Kong I surely will receive Shiatsu from her."
Jutha D.
"Une détente profonde et un recentrage. Une pratique étonnante qui réequilibre."
Valerie G. France
"Anne brings strength and healing to her Shiatsu sessions. Her sessions give me a feeling of energy and "wholeness" and provide an oasis of peace in a sometimes frenetic world."
Catherine B. USA
"I am teacher of contemporary dance.

I had Shiatsu sessions during 1 month two times per week with Anne Cousin, it was so wonderful for me because I could feel the health in my body from a deeper place within, and that touched my heart and soul.
I could see the impact in my life in different ways, because something inside and outside me started to be open and with different energy in everything that I did.

One thing so special for me was when I started to feel different connections in all my body and then to understand how I am working with myself in my life.
I feel that I know my body because it is my tool every day in my professional life but the Shiatsu experience made me feel integrate, healthy, happy and loved."
Araceli L. Mexico
"My session with Anne was just what I needed. She has a deep understanding and ability to bring healing to where it is needed. I would like her to live closer…"
Rabbi Adalah C. - USA
"I have experienced Shiatsu by a number of experienced therapists but I have to say Anne works her magic with this modality. I came to Anne with hope of balancing my body and she did so much more. Her attention to detail of my needs, her caring manner added to the depth of her treatment. Not only did Anne balance my system and relieve stress, I also felt refreshed and uplifted. I wish Anne was still in America to receive regular treatment but wish her well on her journey and dreams."
Lisa B. UK
"I'm so glad to have a chance to talk about it. I'm a person who love yoga and as many people know that if somebody had exercised yoga for a long time, he/she is able to feel the flow of energy through his/her body. Having her massage is that you should try it because she makes your body with full of energy. After having her massage, your body might be very happy with you that you help your body to be relaxed. I do recommend her massage because it will makes your body happy moreover, you will have a great relaxation with it."
Hee Joung K. South Korea
"I started Shiatsu with Anne during a very stressful job change. Shiatsu helped me relax and find peace during this time. I would return to work recharged and ready to do what needed to be done. Anne is very good at working on rough spots, especially dealing with sore body parts and tension carried in shoulders and lower back. I am very glad to have experience shiatsu with Anne - I do not keep up enough with massage now, but if Anne moves back into the area, she will hear from me!"
Dan R. USA

"Being a bodyworker, I am very selective when choosing practitioners to work on my body. The sessions I have had with Anne were all very transformational, yet gentle. After the first session, my bowel movement improved and I developed more awareness in my abdominal area - a part of my body that stored a fair bit of tension. Anne understands the subtle cues from the body and I feel she always listens to my body's needs."
Dr Wendy Yang, holistic chiropractor, HK